A flexible, efficient library written in Kotlin for drawing real wave forms while recording. Free, easy and convenient to use.
- 0
play the recorded file
#20 opened by ChadiSfeir - 3
Error adding library to project
#14 opened by mesadri - 1
Upgrade for compileSdkVersion 31
#19 opened by vigneshwaran1990 - 1
Android Version issue
#18 opened by Nishith2008 - 1
@Armen101 I think there is no option available for stopping it's horizontal movement .
#17 opened by SomnathS09 - 1
- 1
chunks/ bars don't appear anymore
#15 opened by iWillBeUnderYourBed - 2
Fatal Exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException:
#13 opened by bug-art - 3
- 2
`update` when height is 0 causes problems
#11 opened by seadowg - 5
How to change direction
#9 opened by wwwgaoxi - 1
Use the library to play media
#10 opened by craftcreative - 2
Calling update() before the view gets its height breaks all future chunk height calculations
#8 opened by Evstyunin - 2
update not working properly
#7 opened by amirreza-sobhdel - 2
Support drawing waves for playback
#6 opened by kazemihabib - 0
Exception on orientation
#4 opened by kazemihabib