
  • This is a point cloud processing platform in Windows.
  • This framework only implements some functions.
  • Some software function maybe have some issues.

Module Introduction

  1. File(文件)
  • Open(打开)
  • Save as(另存为)
  1. Tools(工具)
  • Zoom in(放大)
  • Zoom out(缩小)
  • Restore(还原)
  • Compress(压缩)
  • Cluster(聚类)
  • KD-Tree(KD-Tree)
  • Voxelization(体素化)
  • Point cloud cropping(点云裁剪)
  • Screenshot(截图)
  • Copy point cloud file(复制点云文件)
  1. Filter(滤波)
  • PassTThrough(直通滤波)
  • VoxelGrid(下采样)
  • StatisicalOutlierRemoval(移除离群点)
  • Projection(点云投影)
  • Point cloud grayscale(点云灰度图)
  • Vegetation extraction(植被提取)
  1. View(视图)
  • Single View(单视图)
  • Double View(双视图)
  • Multiple View(多视图)
  • Full Screen(全屏显示)
  • Coordinate System(坐标系)
  1. Data Conversion(数据转换)
  • LAS to TXT(LAS 转 TXT)
  • TXT to PCD(TXT 转 PCD)
  • PCD(bin) to PCD(asc)(PCD(Binary)转PCD(ASCII))
  1. LiDAR Data Operate(雷达数据处理)
  • Kd-Tree Super Cluster(kd-Tree超聚类)
  • Binary Signal Generation(二进制信号生成)
  • Picture to 3D Point Cloud(图片转三维点云)
  • Color Resampling(颜色重采样)
  1. Help(帮助)
  • Setting(设置)
  • About(关于)
  • Instructions(使用说明)
  • AlphaTest(灰度测试)
