
This repository will hold all my work for the school 42 project so_long

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This repository will hold all my work for the school 42 project so_long test.c MLX/libmlx42.a -Iinclude -lglfw -L"/Users/akuburas/.brew/opt/glfw/lib/" 100 by 100 resolution. Piskel Jonathan Bagger cc first_test.c libft.a ../MLX42/libmlx42.a -Iinclude -lglfw -L"/Users/akuburas/.brew/opt/glfw/lib/" cc data_initialization.c libft.a error_handler.c so_long.c get_next_line.c get_next_line_utils.c ezgif sprite-cutter cc -g data_initialization.c error_handler.c ft_double_strdup.c ft_free_substrings.c get_next_line.c get_next_line_utils.c map_success_check.c map_validity.c map_validity_utils.c so_long.c libft.a gdb gdb a.out run example.ber backtrace (bt) and print commands valgrind --track-fds=yes --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all -s ./a.out ../maps/example.ber