
In this project we analyse a dataset we got from 'Real World Fake Data' using SQL then we visualize it using Tableau.


In this project we analyse a dataset we got from 'Real World Fake Data' using SQL then we visualize it using Tableau.

The link to the dataset : https://data.world/markbradbourne/rwfd-real-world-fake-data/workspace/file?filename=Call+Center.csv

note: They have awesome datasets ! so feel free to choose whatever dataset you want from it, I picked the call-center one.

Steps we did :

  • Download the csv file.
  • Import the file to MySQL
  • Clean it a bit (since it's pretty clean to start with)
  • Perform EDA
  • Visualize it using Tableau.

Link to the Tableau dashboard :


Link to project article : https://medium.com/@Armonia1999/data-analysis-project-using-sql-to-clean-and-analyse-data-64a24e84b730