Projects with 32-bit MIPS based PIC Microcontroller (PIC32MX270F256D). Here I have listed all the projects I have done with the PIC32MX1/2xx series of microcontrollers from Microchip Technology. Each project/library is tested with the XC32 compiler without any frameworks or HAL and only one project is dependent on the legacy PLIB library. These projects will be easily ported to your application.
If you need to adapt to your own project simply copy the project files into your project.
- 00_Documents - Contains all the documents needed including datasheets and errata
- 01_Blink - blink LED project
- 02_Switch - use a pushbutton
- 03_External Interrupts - use external interrupts
- 04_Timer1 - use of onboard Timer1 module
- 05_Counter - use the counter module
- 06_UART - use UART
- 07_ADC - use ADC module
- 08_Output Compare - use output compare module
- 09_Input Capture - use input capture module
- 10_SPI - use SPI module
- 11_I2C - use I2C module
- 12_Comparator - use onboard comparator
- 13_Idle Sleep - use sleep mode
- 14_WDT - use watchdog timer
- 16_DMA - use the Direct Memory Access Controller
- 17_SD_Card_FatFS - use SD card with FatFS module (plib version)
- 21_RTCC - use the onboard RTCC module
- 24_SSD1306 - use the SSD1306 OLED
- 25_MPU6050 - use the MPU6050 accelerometer and gyroscope, includes use case with magdwick filter
- 28_ST7735 - use the ST7735 LCD module
- 47_State_Machines- use State Machines with PIC32