
/<Servername> commands for Bungee cord

Primary LanguageJava

Slash Server​

​ A simple plugin to allow users to use the command / to transport them to the server.​ ​ ​


  • Adds a command to your / which will teleport you to that server instantly.
  • All commands are handled by permissions.
  • All servers in your config get a command each so if you have a server named lobby /lobby will teleport you there.
  • Each server can have a configurable delay before the player is sent there.
  • Custom messages ​


Permissions must be set up in the BungeeCord config.yml​

slashserver.[servername] is the permission node and any players you wish to be able to use the command need this permission in bungeecord config.yml most likely under default group​ ​

slashserver.reload allows the player to reload the SlashServer config


/<servername> - Transports the player to the server

/ssreload - Reloads the SlashServer config.


The servers in the config have a number next to them, this number is the delay in miliseconds that a player will have to wait before it teleports them.

Vanilla server in the example will wait 5 seconds before teleporting the player there

Vanilla: 5000
Paintball: 0
SkyBlock: 0
Creative: 0
Spleef: 0
Hub: 0
ALREADY_ON_SERVER: '&cYou are already on that server!'
TELEPORTING: '&2Teleporting your to the server {name}'
ALREADY_TELEPORTING: '&cAlready teleporting you to a server'