
Fetch the list of your GitHub repos.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Github Repositories listing App

The whole project has been created using pure HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Library used- jQuery only!


Users can search the repositories of any GitHub user by typing a valid GitHub username in the search box.


Device must be connected to the internet in order to enable the GitHub API to fetch the required data.

Steps to Run

Using hosted App link:

GitHub Hosting
Vercel Hosting

On your local System:

  1. Fork and clone the repository in your local system.
  2. If you are using Visual Studio code or any other code editor, just open live server inside the directory and type localhost:{port number} in your browser. Note- The port number is the current port in which your local server is hosted.
  3. Else- Copy the path of the index.html file and paste it in your browser and run.


Click to watch Video demo


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