
This is an website made using Vite and React.js which will take url as a input and give you the summary as a result of the link

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build and Deploy my Own ChatGPT AI SaaS with React


If you're a solo developer in 2023, you have the power to build robust AI software startups! Watch this 1-hour video and make an Article Summarizer Application using OpenAI's GPT model.

Alongside building this application, you'll also learn how to:

  • setup a ReactJS project using Vite

  • create a responsive, beautiful UI/UX with a nice touch of glass morphism using Tailwind CSS

  • make advanced RTK query API requests that fire on condition

  • save history using the local storage

  • handle form events and catch errors

  • implement copy to clipboard

  • write clean code

    If You want to Dowenlode it and try to run it-> You have to do the following 1.npm i

    2.npm run dev