
Primary LanguageJavaScript


The provided JavaScript code snippet demonstrates parsing a JSON string and performing arithmetic operations on large decimal numbers with arbitrary precision using the bignumber.js library.

 Here's what the code does:

The code defines a function parseJSON(jsonString) that attempts to parse a given JSON string using JSON.parse(). If successful, it returns the parsed object; otherwise, it logs an error message and returns null.

An example JSON string containing various data types, including large decimal numbers represented as strings, is provided as an input. The function parseJSON() is used to parse this JSON string, and the parsed object is stored in the variable parsedObject.

Two large decimal numbers, "salary" and "PortFolio_Value", are extracted from the parsed object and converted into BigNumber instances using the BigNumber constructor from the bignumber.js library. The toFixed() method is used to format these numbers with five decimal places.

The values of "salary" and "PortFolio_Value" are printed along with their corresponding titles: "Salary" and "Portfolio Value."

The plus() method of BigNumber is used to add the "salary" and "PortFolio_Value" values, and the result is stored in the variable sum. The toFixed() method is applied again to format the sum with four decimal places.

Finally, the value of the sum is printed along with the title "Sum."

The code snippet showcases how to handle large decimal numbers accurately with arbitrary precision using the bignumber.js library, ensuring that no precision is lost during arithmetic operations.