Pinned Repositories
This project is a Brain Tumor Detector made using Python. This is made on Kaggle platform. This project scans the medical MRIs and detects the presence of tumors in the brain.
This project is an Implementation of the Paper DDAMFN 2023. This is implemented in PyTorch with FER+ and CK+ dataset using the mps device on Apple Silicon.
This project is a part of the semester long research-based Mini Project under Prof. Mr. Vikas Kumar Singh. This returns textual description or annotations for an input image.
This project is a Image Search Engine study made using Python. This project uses Machine learning to show the contrast of how different search algorithm work in real-time.
This project is our team effort as a part of the Dell Hack2Hire Hackathon 2022 where we built a log analysis system to detect anomalies in web server logs specifically Hadoop and RHEL server logs.
This project is a Low-light image enhancement instance made using Python with the help of MIRNet. This project uses Machine learning to recover high quality images from their degraded version.
This project is our submission for the Kavach Hackathon 2023, in which we have created a browser extension that detects the links present in the email and classifies whether they are safe or not.
[IEEE SPL '24] ResEmoteNet: Bridging Accuracy and Loss Reduction in Facial Emotion Recognition
This project is a Semantic Segmentation for Self Driving Cars made using Python. This project uses U-Net to segment the different regions of the image.
This project is a Snake Game made using Python. This uses Deep Q-Learning to train the model that helps the snake to navigate in the space in order to collect maximum fruits and avoid any collision.
ArnabKumarRoy02's Repositories
[IEEE SPL '24] ResEmoteNet: Bridging Accuracy and Loss Reduction in Facial Emotion Recognition
This project is our submission for the Kavach Hackathon 2023, in which we have created a browser extension that detects the links present in the email and classifies whether they are safe or not.
This project is a part of the semester long research-based Mini Project under Prof. Mr. Vikas Kumar Singh. This returns textual description or annotations for an input image.
This project is a Image Search Engine study made using Python. This project uses Machine learning to show the contrast of how different search algorithm work in real-time.
This project is a Low-light image enhancement instance made using Python with the help of MIRNet. This project uses Machine learning to recover high quality images from their degraded version.
This project is an Implementation of the Paper DDAMFN 2023. This is implemented in PyTorch with FER+ and CK+ dataset using the mps device on Apple Silicon.
This project is a Snake Game made using Python. This uses Deep Q-Learning to train the model that helps the snake to navigate in the space in order to collect maximum fruits and avoid any collision.
This is a PyPI Package made for controlling the brightness of the display. This is done by just pinching and spreading the thumb and index fingers.
This repository is my collection of tasks done in the Compiler Design Lab for 7th Semester in SMIT. The questions done in the lab were done in C language.
This project is a random CSS gradient generator made using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This generates new gradients by changing the angle, the colours and the shadow using JS everytime the user clicks the 'Generate' button.
This is my practice for Data Structures and Algorithms in GeeksforGeeks. All the questions are solved in C++.
This project is a Face Recognition Attendance system made with Python GUI. This uses the opencv-python, face-recognition and other libraries to validate the face and stores it in a database in realtime.
This project is a Cancer Detection model made using Python. This project uses Deep Convolutional Neural Networks to identify the metastatic tissues in histopathologic scans.
This repository is a practice repo. Mostly to learn about git and its functionalities. Hope I can update it everyday.
This project is a Movie Recommendation System essentially recommends movies. The 'Top 50' page uses popularity based recommender, while the 'Recommendation' page uses collaborative based recommender to recommend 5 most similar movies based on user input.
This is part of a month long internship programme under Oasis Infobyte. This project consists of 5 tasks and are maintained in 5 separate folders.
This is a setup page for using camera with GPU access. This can be implemented either in a notebook on the cloud or in a local machine.
This project is a Screen Brightness Controller made using Python GUI. This project is an application of the Hand Tracking Module and uses the opencv-python and mediapipe libraries. It measures the distance between the thumb and index finger for changing the volume of the device.
This project is a Semantic Segmentation for Self Driving Cars made using Python. This project uses U-Net to segment the different regions of the image.
This project is a Calculator made using Swift. This project is made in XCode IDE usually used for iOS development. Added decimal precision for calculation.
This project is made using Python with the help of PyTorch. This is a Facial Expression Classification problem where the model needs to classify what emotion is in the image.
This project is a simple recommendation system made using PyG. This uses Graph Neural Network (GNN) to recommend.
This repository is my collection of tasks done in the Intelligent Systems Lab in 7th Semester in SMIT. The questions done in the lab were in Python and we used Jupyter Notebook as IDE.
This repository is my learning record on MLOps.
Benchmark of Apple's MLX operations on all Apple Silicons (GPU, CPU) + MPS and CUDA.
MLX implementation of GCN, with benchmark on MPS, CUDA and CPU (M1 Pro, M2 Ultra, M3 Max).
This project is a part of our team effort in the Intel oneAPI hackathon to detect various types of Brain Tumor (i.e. in different regions).
This project is a Style Transfer Model made using Python. This uses deep learning to compose one image in the style of another image