
This library provides Arduino IDE and Raspberry Pi software drivers, as well as example code, for the SEN0575 rainfall sensor kit. With this library, users can obtain 24-hour rainfall information, the sensor's operating time, and the accumulated rainfall information during the sensor's operating time through software operations.



Table of Contents


  • Read rainfall sensor data


Two methods are provided for using this library:

  1. Open the Arduino IDE, go to Tools --> Manager Libraries in the status bar, search for "DFRobot_RainfallSensor" and install the library.
  2. First, download the library file and paste it into the \Arduino\libraries directory. Then, open the examples folder and run the demo in that folder. Note: This library needs to be used with DFRobot_RTU, so make sure to install DFRobot_RTU before using this library.


   * @fn begin
   * @brief This function will try communicating with the slave and returns the communication result.
   * @return Returns the communication result
   * @retval true  Succeed
   * @retval false Failed
  bool begin(void);

   * @fn getFirmwareVersion
   * @brief  get firmware version
   * @return  Return  firmware version
  String getFirmwareVersion(void);

   * @fn getRainfall
   * @brief Get cumulative rainfall
   * @return float Cumulative rainfall
  float getRainfall(void);

   * @fn getRainfall
   * @brief Get cumulative rainfall within specified time
   * @param hour Specified time (valid settings are 1-24h)
   * @return float Cumulative rainfall
  float getRainfall(uint8_t hour);

   * @fn getRawData
   * @brief Get the Rawdata object
   * @return Get the number of tipping bucket counts of rainfall, unit count
  uint32_t getRawData();

   * @fn setRainAccumulatedValue
   * @brief Set the Rain Accumulated Value object
   * @param accumulatedValue Accumulated rainfall value, unit millimeter
   * @return Returns 0 for success, other values for failure 
  uint8_t setRainAccumulatedValue(float accumulatedValue = 0.2794);

   * @fn getSensorWorkingTime
   * @brief Obtain the sensor working time
   * @return Working time, unit hour
  float getSensorWorkingTime();


MCU Work Well Work Wrong Untested Remarks
Arduino Uno
Arduino MEGA2560
Arduino Leonardo
Micro:bit √(IIC) √(UART)


  • 2023/02/28 - Version 1.0.0 released.


Written by fary(feng.yang@dfrobot.com), 2023. (Welcome to our website)