

Welcome fellow traveler. It's time to dive into the world of hooks. You might even "hook" some Pokemon 😅

The objective

Implement a Pokedex using react hooks.


  • (10 pt) Display a list of the Pokemon
  • (10 pt) Select a Pokemon and open in a modal with more information
  • (10 pt) Search a Pokemon by name
  • (10 pt) Set focus on search box on page load
  • (10 pt) Mark/Unmark a Pokemon as favorite
  • (20 pt) Filter Pokemon by favorites and toggle the filter by key press (e.g. f)


  • Use components Pokemon and PokemonDetails (basically the same but feel free to change and add stuff to the PokemonDetails)
  • GraphQL API (already set up)

Scoring and Reward

The team with the highest score wins (or first to finish!). E.g. if team A has 50 points and team B has 40 points, team A will be the winner. (Please don't name your team either A or B, they are taken!) The reward will depend on the winners 🤷.

Run Project

yarn start
# in another tab
yarn server

open http://localhost:8000