
Project for the subject AI in UPC-FIB (Barcelona) 2023-2024 using proégé for the ontology and clips for the recommender

Primary LanguageCLIPS

Knowledge-based system of a Gym routine recommender

Project for the subject AI at FIB-UPC Barcelona 2023-2024 (in Catalan/Spanish)

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Screenshot from 2024-05-26 18-33-40

Screenshot from 2024-05-26 18-33-57


The problem is given by the teachers descrived in the pdf in the problem_description folder (in Spanish). The main goal is to create a rocommender for a full week routine in a gym. With various exercises, and asking questions to the user in order to know the objectives, intensity level and health related problems.

The Ontology is created with Protégé and the recommender with CLIPS.


To convert the file exported from the ontology in .ttl format, to .clp, use the command owl2clips.
To intall it easyly, just execute:

pip install -r requirements.txt

After you can use the Makefile: make ttl2clips remember to add the path to your installed clips in CLIPS_INTERPRETER