Based on Vert.x and written in scala
In progress: a MQTT broker
Next? (random ideas)
- A JSON equivalent of MQTT for web client (through SockJS)
- Support for Stomp for both TCP and HTTP: don't Stomp without a Sock...
- Gateway to Redis
- Gateway to AMQP
> compile
> project broadcast-mqtt
> prepareDist
All dependencies are then copied into lib_dist
and can be easily added to the verticle classpath
vertx run broadcast.mqtt.vertx.MqttBroker -cp broadcastx-mqtt/target/scala-2.9.2/classes:lib_dist/scala-library.jar:lib_dist/slf4j-api-1.6.4.jar:lib_dist/logback-classic-1.0.3.jar:lib_dist/logback-core-1.0.3.jar
Unlike Node.js Vert.x doesn’t make you do everything on an event loop. You can choose instead to run long running tasks or blocking calls using a thread pool if that’s more appropriate.
Gridster / proprioception