This is a CLI application for tracking employees in database using Node and MySQL.
- Download/clone the repo
- Run employee_db.js in the terminal and run "npm i" to install the dependencies
- Copy the schema in employee_db.sql and run it in MySQL/Sequel Pro to create the database with the seed content
- Once the db is created enter your MySQL username and password in the available locations; lines 13 and 16 of the employee_db.js file
- Run the employee_db.js file in the terminal using node; "node employee_db.js"
- Follow the prompts to do any of the following:
- Add departments, roles, employees
- View departments, roles, employees
- Update employee roles
- Delete departments, roles, and employees
- When you are finished navigate to the EXIT option to quit the application
- Node.js
- Inquirer.js
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details