- brw@MisterGreenSource
- D-a-r-zSpain
- datagutt@nettbureau
- davidcralph@mue, @vocauk
- doZennn@SteamGridDB
- FirinKinuoWorld
- GloftOfficial
- Hecbert
- JamesDAdamsFrance
- JamsReposUnited Kingdom
- jannisbeckerJapan
- jeret15The Netherlands
- kenany@pangeacyber
- LarveyOfficial
- livingflore
- LoadeksdiParis
- martijnmelchers@sneleentaxi
- Minblud
- misterpyrrhuloxia
- nicholasyoannouThe Galactic Duck Empire
- niZyalB
- pduran5Institut Provençana
- PouletteMC@mcserversoft-community
- RobertoVillegas@aptomx
- senpaiSubbyLos Angeles
- SleepDaemonSomewhere under, with lots of fire
- The13thTimelordUnited Kingdom
- theduvParis, France
- TheFeelTrainLas Vegas, Nevada
- theoparis@tinted-software
- TorchedSammy@Rosettea
- UnhealthyKrakenEngland
- unusualcrow
- WillPresley@OhioUniversity
- zeroquincThe Netherlands
- ZubyWasTakenScotland