This repo contains some basics to advanced concepts of The Linux BASH. It also has some utility bash-scripts which can be used to make life easier.
Lets first discuss about the conventions of writting bash-scripts.
The very first line should be a shebang line (
Followd by Auther Description, Data created , Date Modified , short description & usage. Like below :
After these lines , All the variables that have been used in the script should be declared.
Then the actuall script starts.
Bash variables are untyped. There is nothing like integer, string or bool variables in bash. You can imagine them as a bunch of characters stored in memory, with no special meaning. but, depending on context, Bash permits arithmetic operations and comparisons on variables. The determining factor is whether the value of a variable contains only digits.
It support arrays, which is a list of varibles.
List of scpecial characters : whitespaces like newLine, space, tab, carriagereturn etc. ' " \ $ # = [ ] { } ( ) ! < > | ; & ` * ? ~
use the below syntax for multiline commenting in bash:
: '
first line
second line
the space between the colon and singleQuote is important. -
To run script, you may have to give the execution permission, using command like ,
chmod 744 filename