
Materials for the practicum for "Fundamentals of Algorithms" course at SpbU

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Materials for the practicum for "Fundamentals of Algorithms" course at SpbU

Getting started

Set up your environment


Go to Run and Debug in the left panel, create a new launch file, select Python File and add the following field:

"env": {
    "PYTHONPATH": "${workspaceFolder}${pathSeparator}${env:PYTHONPATH}"

Practicum 1

We study basic tools necessary for the rest of the course: python, numpy and matplotlib. It is assumed that a student has some decent knowledge of python though he/she is not very experienced in it.


  1. Warm-up
  2. Go through intro_to_numpy_and_matplotlib.ipynb together

Practicum 2

We start working on graph algorithms via introducing networkx and then a couple of simple algorithm for graph traversals.


  1. Warm-up
  2. Go through intro_to_networkx.ipynb together
  3. Complete bfs_maze_template.py
  4. Go through dfs_recursive() in dfs_maze.py together
  5. Complete dfs_iterative() in dfs_maze_template.py
  6. Complete topological_sort() in dfs_maze_template.py
  7. Go through dfs_recursive_postorder() in dfs_maze.py together (solution for point 6)

Practicum 3

We study two classical graph problems: Minimum Spanning Tree and Shortest Path. We use Prim's algorithm to solve the former and Dijkstra's algorithm to solve the latter.


  1. Warm-up
  2. Complete mst_template.py
  3. Complete sp_template.py. We can do both the original version and the version with a priority queue.

Practicum 4

We study fundamental data structures.


  1. Warm-up
  2. Complete valid_parentheses.py (LIFO)
  3. Complete time_needed_to_buy_tickets.py (FIFO)
  4. Complete linked_list.py (linked list)


  1. time_needed_to_buy_tickets.py: implement a proper solution for this problem.

Practicum 5

We study simple computaional geomtery algorithms such as convex hull computing.


  1. Warm-up
  2. Complete slow_convex_hull.py
  3. Complete qwer


  1. convex_bucket.py: implement a convex hull algorithm constructing only the lower part of a convex hull which would "hold" all the points if they fell due to the gravity.

Practicum 10

Cubic spline: http://getsomemath.ru/subtopic/computational_mathematics/approximation_theory/local_interpolation

LU: http://getsomemath.ru/subtopic/computational_mathematics/numerical_linear_algebra/gauss_methods


  1. lu.py: implement the LU decomposition with and without pivoting and study how both implementations work for a gradually more ill-conditioned matrix.