EPFL summaries & cheatsheets over 5 years (computer science, communication systems, data science and computational neuroscience).

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This repository contains summaries and cheatsheets of a 5 year-long curriculum at EPFL. It is mostly focused on computer science, communication systems, data science and computational neuroscience. This includes both undergraduate and graduate courses, sometimes in french, sometimes in english.

The goal is to provide a clear, concise, consistent and structured overview of each courses. As their contents evolve over the years, some parts might be outdated, missing or need some rework to fit everyone's expectations. These summaries and cheatsheets are complement to original courses supports and might not be comprehensible without.

Say thanks by starring this repository, reporting issues 🐛 or even better contribute back :octocat: fixing an issue, improving clarity or adding new content.


This work is licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0 enforcing to disclose source, state any changes and conserve this licensing. Rather than importing any file into a private cloud service, consider keeping it on Github and improve it here. Future users will thank you ❤️.

As courses names change regulary, they are identified by their unique? code (school-number, e.g. com300) which should be googlable (try EPFL com300) or at least searchable over the Internet Archive.

Images and screenshots of slides and lectures remain property of their respective authors and are thus not distributed. You can claim easily access by sending an email to « epfl ‹ at › zifeo ‹ dot › com » from your own EPFL email.


Markdown files are optimized for Typora, one of best editor with MathJax support available on macOS, Windows and Linux. PDF export is then easy and nice. Inline math should be enabled. Alternatively, you might want to generate PDF through LaTeX using Pandoc.


  • Neuroscience for Engineers : BIO382
  • Biological modeling of Neural Networks : BIO465
  • Neurosciences II Cellular Mechanisms of Brain Function : BIO482
  • Sensorimotor Neuroprosthetics : BIOENG486
  • Sciences de l'Information : COM101
  • Computer Networks : COM208
  • Modèles Stochastiques : COM300
  • Sécurité des Réseaux : COM301
  • Principles of Digital Communications : COM302
  • Signal Processing : COM303
  • Information Security and Privacy : COM402
  • Pratique de la Programmation Orientée Object : CS108
  • Information, Calcul, Communication : CS110
  • Systèmes Logiques : CS173
  • Concurrency : CS206
  • Programmation Orientée Système : CS207
  • Architecture des Ordinateurs : CS208
  • Architecture on a chip : CS209
  • Functional Programming : CS210
  • Introduction à l'Informatique Visuelle : CS211
  • Reactive Programming & Parallelism : CS212
  • Theory of Computation : CS252
  • Software Engineering : CS305
  • Introduction to computer vision : CS310
  • Introduction to Database Systems : CS322
  • Intelligence Articielle : CS330
  • Introduction to Computer Graphics : CS341
  • Distributed Information Systems : CS423
  • Introduction to Natural Language Processing : CS431
  • Pattern Classification and Machine Learning : CS433
  • Unsupervised and Reinforcement Learning in Neural Networks : CS434
  • Optimization for Machine Learning : CS439
  • Systems for Data Science : CS449
  • Advanced Algorithms : CS450
  • Electronique : EE202
  • Circuits & Systèmes I : EE204
  • Circuits & systems II : EE205
  • Communication : HUM120
  • Psychologie Cognitive : HUM213
  • Analysis I : MATH101
  • Analysis II : MATH106
  • Linear Algebra : MATH111
  • Analyse III : MATH203
  • Analyse IV : MATH207
  • Probabilities & Statistics : MATH232
  • Algèbre : MATH310
  • Statistics for Data Science : MATH413
  • Physique générale I : PHYS101
  • General physics II : PHYS144

Missing material

Following courses are missing from the full curriculum (due to limited time):

  • Data Visualization : COM480
  • Introduction to programming : CS106
  • Discrete Structures : CS150
  • Algorithms : CS250
  • Applied Data Analysis : CS401
  • Network Tour of Data Science : EE558
  • Economic News and Theories : HUM259
  • Entrepreneurship : HUM348
  • Digital humanities : HUM369
  • Managing organizations I & II : HUM435