
GhostLink is a versatile pen testing tool capable of Wi-Fi jamming, Bad USB attacks, wireless payloads, keylogging, and more. Built for cybersecurity pros to test network and device vulnerabilities. ⚠️ Use responsibly and only on authorized systems.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

🔥 GhostLink: A Multi-Function Penetration Testing Device 🔥

Step 1

GhostLink is a powerful and versatile penetration testing device designed for cybersecurity professionals and ethical hackers. With its extensive capabilities, it enables users to test network and device vulnerabilities in various environments.

⚠️ Disclaimer: This tool is for educational and authorized security testing purposes only. Unauthorized use may be illegal. Always obtain explicit permission before using it on any system.

🚀 Features

Wi-Fi Jamming: Disrupts Wi-Fi networks to test resilience. Bad USB & Wireless Bad USB: Delivers payloads to connected devices. Keylogging: Captures keystrokes for analysis. Additional Attacks: Supports other advanced penetration testing functionalities. GhostLink offers a portable and efficient solution to test the security of your networks and devices.

🛠️ Hardware Assembly Guide

Follow the steps below to assemble your GhostLink device. Ensure you have all the required components and tools before starting.

Step 1: Solder Initial Components

Solder all the components marked as "1". Note: Do not solder any components that are not marked in this step.

Step 1

Step 2: Solder Battery & Fan JST Connector

Solder the JST connectors for the battery and cooling fan. Ensure correct polarity by checking the +/- terminals.

Step 1

Step 3: Solder the Female USB-A Port

Carefully solder the female USB-A port to the board.

Step 1

Step 4: Attach the Cooling Fan

Screw down the cooling fan with the screw head facing the front side of the PCB.

Step 1

Step 5: Solder Final Components

Complete the assembly by soldering all the components marked as "last".

Step 1

Step 6: connecting the external antenna to esp8266

First cut the internal antenna connections

Step 1

Connect the GND to GND and the core to the core marked point

Step 1

Step 1

Finally it will look like this

Step 1

🛡️ Legal Notice

GhostLink is intended only for ethical hacking and authorized penetration testing. Misuse of this device is strictly prohibited.