
Jeopardy programm for my Sister

Jeopardy application for Windows
You can create questions and teams for a game of Jeopardy


  • Save file | You can save your quiz in file so you can load it up when you need it
  • Customizable background with some presets
  • Teams to keep track of points (you can also edit the points during a round)
  • Boards with 6 categorys | 1 category contains 5 Questions
  • Category order can be customized pre game


For each question you can set a text anwser and you can include multiple choice options
You can also customize how much points each questions grants

Supported Quesiton Types

  • Text based questions
  • Image based questions
  • Audio based quetions

This is just a hobby project so dont expect frequent updates.
Feature requests / Bug reports are welcome