
Quiz app with Django , DRF , JavaScript and GraphQL

Primary LanguagePython

Quiz App

Simple dummy project with Django, Django Rest framework, JS and GraphQL


  • Authentication
    • Login
    • Register
  • Questions
    • Each question has four options
    • Each question has 10 seconds to answer
  • Quiz result at the end
  • Send result to user with email
  • Documented API
  • Rest API
    • Add user
    • CRUD operations on questions
    • Token authentication
    • Get user result
  • GraphQL API
    • Add user
    • JWT authentication
    • CRUD operations on questions
    • Get user result
  • Celery & Flower(for monitoring celery)
  • Dockerized


  • localhost/swagger (Rest API)
  • localhost/graphql (GraphQL API)
  • localhost:5555 (Celery)


git clone https://github.com/Aron-S-G-H/quizApp.git
pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py test # to make sure everything is ok
python manage.py runserver # and see in localhost:8000
# In another terminal, enter the following command to run celery
celery -A QuizApp worker -l info
# again in another terminal, enter the following command to run flower
celery -A QuizApp flower

Run with Docker

make sure that you have docker and docker compose

git clone https://github.com/Aron-S-G-H/quizApp.git
cd QuizApp (where docker-compose.yaml is)
# open a terminal
docker compose up -d
# now go to the localhost:80

any contributions are welcome