
MX-RDR tool which simplifies new data set creation

Primary LanguagePython

Dataverse tools

MX-RDR tool, in form of python script, which simplifies new data set creation.

Available functionality

Using just one script you can:

  • create new dataset
  • add metadata to it
  • zip all files and add them to dataset


To use this tool, you need:

  • Python 3

we also suggest:

  • git - for easier download
  • virtual environment (eg. anaconda) - for packages management

Using terminal just paste:

git clone https://github.com/AronRynkiewicz/dataverse_tools

to download this tool.

Next change directory to dataverse_tools and paste:

pip install -r requirements.txt

to install required python packages.


To use script write:

python main.py -at API_TOKEN -f dataset_metadata.json -d data_directory -fp common_file_prefix -u DOI -m mode

while being in dataverse_tools directory.

Flags meaning:

  • at - your api token from MX-RDR (obligatory).
  • d - directory where script will look for data (obligatory).
  • fp - Common prefix for all files to be uploaded. Notice that script expects that file id will be separated by _ from common prefix, eg.: file_0001.txt file_0002.txt (obligatory).
  • f - metadata for new dataset in form of json file (optional).
  • u - DOI for given dataset, to which files will be send (optional) Important note: all our DOIs begin with doi:10.18150 so You need to pass just part after "/" sign, e.g.: for doi:10.18150/ABCDEF just write ABCDEF.
  • m - mode, you can use this script in three diffrent ways (optional, script by default zips files and asks user for next steps):
    • send - zipps and sends files to given dataset (requires -u flag),
    • zip - only zips files in given directory (default behaviour),
    • create - creates new dataset, zips files and sends them (requires -f flag).


Short command:

python main.py -at abcdefqwe-adrf-axdrrg-dwqzd-11qwe -d images -fp img

Send mode example:

python main.py -at abcdefqwe-adrf-axdrrg-dwqzd-11qwe -d images -fp img -u AAAAA -m send

Zip mode example (basically same as short command):

python main.py -at abcdefqwe-adrf-axdrrg-dwqzd-11qwe -d images -fp img -m zip

Create mode example:

python main.py -at abcdefqwe-adrf-axdrrg-dwqzd-11qwe -d images -fp img -m create -f my_images_metadata.json