
Creating Selfie Filters using facial keypoint detection and OpenCV

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Creating Selfie Filters using facial keypoint detection and OpenCV

Methods Used

  • Convolutional Neural Networks
  • Deep Learning
  • Visualisation
  • Regression
  • Statistics


  • Python
  • Pandas, Jupyter
  • Numpy
  • Keras
  • OpenCV
  • HAAR Cascade Classifier
  • Matplotlib


  • The aim of this project was to create selfie filters using facial keypoint detection.
  • I have taken the data from Kaggle consisting of 7049 images with 15 keypoints per image.


  • Using a Convolutional Neural Network Architecture inspired by the NaimishNet we predict the facial keypoints and save the model. The final model has a validation Mean Absolute Deviation of 1.28.
  • Then with OpenCV we access our webcam and use HAAR Cascade Frontal Face classifier to detect the face in the frame.
  • The detected face is pre-processed and fed into our saved model to get the keypoint coordinates.
  • Using these keypoint coordinates we place our filter images. Here we have used 4 keypoints to achieve our desired result.
  • The edited image is then shown in the Filter frame [Left]. The detected keypoints can be scene in the Keypoint Detector frame [Right].



Note: The project is only for education purposes, no plagiarism is intended.