
NewsBreeze is a news application that selects latest and best news from and summarises them to present in a short-summarized format. News is sourced from various categories and various sources, making sure that you always get the best.


  • Bookmarks- Save news when you dont't have time to read so that you can come back to them later.
  • Search - The latest news list has a search by title feature. Search lets you find any news by simply typing in a keyword in the search box. Easy access to your favorite topics of intrest via the search option.
  • Read full article- If you need full story of an article just click on the more button then you will be redirected to the source url.
  • MVVM with Android Architecture Components(Room, LiveData, ViewModel)


  • Internet connectivity - This application needs internet connectivity to retrive data from

Libraries Used

  • Retrofit For sending network requests and parsing JSON data.
  • Picasso Loading and caching images.
  • Room is a database layer on top of an SQLite database.
  • Livedata for easier implementation of MVVM architecture.
  • Gson to convert json string to their respective kotlin objects

Installation Guide

Clone the repository and import into Android Studio

For a quick installation download the apk


  • View - Activity/Fragment with UI-specific logics only.
  • ViewModel - It keeps the logic away from View layer, provides data streams for UI and handle user interactions. It servers as a link between the Model and the View.
  • Model - This layer is responsible for the abstraction of the data sources. Model and ViewModel work together to get and save the data.
  • Repository -The repository is a mediator between the different data sources. ViewModel simply request data from the repository.
