Brick-Breaker-Game using HTML,CSS and JAVASCRIPT

This project was made by Moon Team under Devsnest Hackthon!

##Team Members:

  • Abhishek
  • Arpit Agarwal
  • Ashutosh Kumar Verma
  • Ashyum
  • Himanshu Agarwal
  • Rajat
  • Nishant

##Features of Game:

  • It contains 5 levels
  • It follows laws of physics
  • Sound On/Off Button
  • 3 Lives to Complete 5 levels
  • At each level speedd of ball increases and number of bricks also increases to give a complex nature to the game
  • Rest Features can be viewed by playing the game so do play it!

##Additional Features we were not able to add due to lack of time:

  • User Name input and saving his/her highest score through Local Storage
  • Showing Leaderboard
  • Addind more complexity by giving making some bricks unbreakable in just one hit. Number of hits to remove a brick can increase as level increases
  • Changing colors of bricks
  • Play/Pause Button