
C is a POP (Procedure Oriented Programming).

polynomial, matrix

  • polyomial addition & multiplication using 1d array.
  • sparse polyomial addition & multiplication using 2d array.
  • polyomial addition & multiplication using linked list. sparse matrix addition.
  • sparse matrix transpose.
  • convert sparse matrix to triplet form, convert triplet form to sparse matrix.
  • simple transpose of sparse matrix.

array, stack, queue

  • menu driven program using array
  • stack
  • stack using linked list
  • queue
  • circular queue
  • double ended queue
  • queue using linked list
  • infix to postfix
  • infix to prefix
  • postfix evaluation
  • infix evaluation

linked list

  • linked list
  • circular linked list
  • doubly linked list
  • doubly circular linked list
  • linked list using stack
  • linked list using queue

tree, graph

  • bst
  • create tree using inorder and preorder
  • avl
  • graph using matrix
  • graph using list
  • graph : prims algo
  • graph : kruskal algo
  • graph : dijkstra algo


  • build min heap
  • min heap
  • merge sort
  • merge sort using linked list
  • heap sort
  • quick sort