
  • You can use Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements to read and modify data.
  • The search condition of the WHERE clause uses a predicate to refine the search.
  • COUNT, DISTINCT, and LIMIT are expressions that are used with SELECT statements.
  • INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE are DML statements for populating and changing tables.

  • A database is a repository of data that provides functionality for adding, modifying, and querying the data.
  • SQL is a language used to query or retrieve data from a relational database.
  • The Relational Model is the most used data model for databases because it allows for data independence.
  • The primary key of a relational table uniquely identifies each tuple or row, preventing duplication of data and providing a way of defining relationships between tables.
  • SQL statements fall into two different categories: Data Definition Language (DDL) statements and Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements.
  • MySQL is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) designed to efficiently store, manipulate, and retrieve data.

  • You can use the WHERE clause to refine your query results.
  • You can use the wildcard character (%) as a substitute for unknown characters in a pattern.
  • You can use BETWEEN ... AND ... to specify a range of numbers.
  • You can sort query results into ascending or descending order, using the ORDER BY clause to specify the column to sort on.
  • You can group query results by using the GROUP BY clause.

  • Most databases come with built-in functions that you can use in SQL statements to perform operations on data within the database itself.
  • When you work with large datasets, you may save time by using built-in functions rather than first retrieving the data into your application and then executing functions on the retrieved data.
  • You can use sub-queries to form more powerful queries than otherwise.
  • You can use a sub-select expression to evaluate some built-in aggregate functions like the average function.
  • Derived tables or table expressions are sub-queries where the outer query uses the results of the sub-query as a data source.

  • You can access a database from a language like Python by using the appropriate API. Examples include ibm_db API for IBM DB2, psycopg2 for ProstgreSQL, and dblib API for SQL Server.
  • DB-API is Python's standard API for accessing relational databases. It allows you to write a single program that works with multiple kinds of relational databases instead of writing a separate program for each one.
  • The DB_API connect constructor creates a connection to the database and returns a Connection Object, which is then used by the various connection methods.
  • The connection methods are: The cursor() method, which returns a new cursor object using the connection. The commit() method, which is used to commit any pending transaction to the database. The rollback() method, which causes the database to roll-back to the start of any pending transaction. The close() method, which is used to close a database connection.
  • You can use SQL Magic commands to execute queries more easily from Jupyter Notebooks. Magic commands have the general format %sql select * from tablename. Cell magics start with a double %% (percent) sign and apply to the entire cell. Line magics start with a single % (percent) sign and apply to a particular line in a cell.

  • Views are a dynamic mechanism for presenting data from one or more tables.A transaction represents a complete unit of work, which can be one or more SQL statements.
  • An ACID transaction is one where all the SQL statements must complete successfully, or none at all.
  • A stored procedure is a set of SQL statements that are stored and executed on the database server, allowing you to send one statement as an alternative to sending multiple statements.
  • A database transaction must be ACID (Atomic, Consistent, Isolated and Durable).
  • You can write stored procedures in many different languages like SQL PL, PL/SQL, Java, and C.
