Explore different Classifier

This Repository will help you to understand Different Classifier like:

  1. k-nearest neighbors
  2. Support Vector Classification
  3. Gradient Boosting
  4. AdaBoost classifier
  5. Multi-layer Perceptron classifier
  6. Random Forest

User can change the hyper-parameter of every classifier to check how it effect the accuracy.

User can apply these Classifier on different dataset:

  1. Iris Dataset
  2. Breast Cancer
  3. Wine dataset

How to Install Dependencies to Run the application.

The following bash code will install all the necessary dependencies.

git clone https://github.com/Arpitkamal/Streamlit-App.git
cd Streamlit App
pip install -r requirements.txt

how to run in local machine

To run the application go the downloaded Directory and run this command

streamlit run main.py