Software Developer | React Native | React js | Redux js | JavaScript | Typescript | Html5 | Css3 | Bootstrap | Git | Postman | Firebase | Android Studio | Xcode
Fulminous SoftwareIndia
Pinned Repositories
Config files for my GitHub profile.
This Corona Tracker App will display the status of Corona data of State-wise Including Active cases, Confirmed cases, Recovered, Deaths and Last Updated Time
Arpit store is a multipage ecommerce website. in this website we added product page with filter and sorting functionality. if user click on any specified product it display full description of product and you can also select color and quantity and click on add to cart button. product will automatically goes on add to cart page with modern hooks.
Fake Store is a multipage ecommerce website. in this website we added product page with filter and sorting functionality. if user click on any specified product it display full description of product and you can also select quantity and click on add to cart button. product will automatically goes on add to cart page with modern hooks and redux.
It is same as Google Keep Clone
This is google keep clone using context api and usereducer.
It is a movie search website named as Arpitliv that you can search any movie in the world and display all the information about particular movie. that contains search functionality with Debouncing. In this project Api key will secured through .Env files.
My first Movie website using React
This is a news website that will display current breaking news. it contain different news section like sports, entertainment, health, science and others.
Pokemon Api will display selected data, name and moves using Axios and useeffect.
Arpitkumar504's Repositories
Config files for my GitHub profile.
This Corona Tracker App will display the status of Corona data of State-wise Including Active cases, Confirmed cases, Recovered, Deaths and Last Updated Time
Arpit store is a multipage ecommerce website. in this website we added product page with filter and sorting functionality. if user click on any specified product it display full description of product and you can also select color and quantity and click on add to cart button. product will automatically goes on add to cart page with modern hooks.
Fake Store is a multipage ecommerce website. in this website we added product page with filter and sorting functionality. if user click on any specified product it display full description of product and you can also select quantity and click on add to cart button. product will automatically goes on add to cart page with modern hooks and redux.
It is same as Google Keep Clone
This is google keep clone using context api and usereducer.
It is a movie search website named as Arpitliv that you can search any movie in the world and display all the information about particular movie. that contains search functionality with Debouncing. In this project Api key will secured through .Env files.
My first Movie website using React
This is a news website that will display current breaking news. it contain different news section like sports, entertainment, health, science and others.
Pokemon Api will display selected data, name and moves using Axios and useeffect.
React native project to practice and use different type of library and packages.
This project is only for testing and deployment practice purpose
It is a tech search website arpittech. you can search any technology over here that will display article and this website is developed using modern hooks for state management like contextapi and usereducer. api will secured using .env files
Techweb is a multipage technology website. That provides software products and services if you click on product then you go on particular page. that display product. this website is fully responsive. that contains gototop functionality. modern hooks like contextapi and usereducer and router is used to make this website. Apikey secured to .env file.
This website is created using Html5, Css3, Bootstrap4, and Javascript. it is fully responsive for all devices. Icons:-(font-awesome/bootstarp4/iconic icons/boxicons icons) Swiper (Swiper js)