As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the demand for seamless and secure communication is paramount.
The introduction of eSIM technology has revolutionized the way we connect our devices to telecom networks, offering flexibility, convenience, and improved security. But with the ever-evolving digital landscape, there's always room for innovation, and blockchain technology is poised to take eSIMs to the next level.


A blockchain-powered eSIM is an advanced form of eSIM technology that leverages the power of decentralized blockchain networks to enhance security, privacy, and functionality. This innovative approach does not require users to trust a single telecom provider for their personal information and activity. By integrating blockchain into the eSIM ecosystem, we can create a more secure and robust communication infrastructure.

- What is the product?

- This is not a stand alone product, we want to deliver an alternate product to telecom network providers who already carry eSIM infrastructure and provide eSIM to end users.
- We will not be dealing with end users directly.
- Our role is to provide the end users with a novel way of using eSIM services that enables them to do more than just communicate.
- This also provides users the option to use a network without trusting the network provider.

Three main touchpoints

1) User Authentication/Onboarding

The first step for users is to purchase an eSIM from their telecom provider by providing their KYC (Know Your Customer) information and a preferred wallet address. In the backend, the user's data is used to generate a unique Zero-Knowledge (ZK) identity, which is essential for communication protocols. This process disconnects user identification from user activity, enhancing privacy and security.

  • First step user need to avail this service
    • User will buy an eSIM from existing telecom operators by providing their KYC and preferred wallet address(if they have one) and that’s it!
  • What happens in the backend?
    • We’ll provide a portal to the telecom operator where the user will provide the above two information.
    • Now, with this information we will get a unique ZK identity which will be used for all communication protocols.
    • And once the user authentication is completed a smart contract will be deployed
      • This smart contract will be the basis to all the transactions and the connectivity to the decentralized ecosystem(i. e, using decentralized applications).
    • By creating this layer we are disconnecting user identification from user activity.
      • The telecom operators will have the user identity,
      • And we’ll have the activity log,
      • Thus, no party has both.
    • Resulting in the removal of the need to trust the telecom operator for user personal information and activity.

Our main challenge here is to create a communication protocol that can uses the ZK identity and existing network infrastructure to connect two users.

The current communication technology that allows communication between two users is known as Global System for Mobile Communications by using Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).

Now that we know what kinds of network packets we need to create as part of this communication protocol, we move to the device.

2) Establishing secure connection to device through LPA

The Local Profile Assistant (LPA) is a software component that runs on the device and interacts with the eSIM chip. It retrieves the user's ZK identity from the blockchain and securely stores it on the eUICC module. Coupling the eSIM Unique ID (EID) with a cryptographic wallet i.e, associating a cryptographic wallet with a person in a similar manner a person is associated with a mobile number. The LPA is also responsible for managing eSIM profiles, communication plans, and blockchain services through a user interface called the LUI.

  • The Local Profile Assistant (LPA), A software component that runs on the device and interacts with eSIM chip.
    • The LPA will pick users’ ZK identity from the blockchain and store this in a tokenized form on the eUICC module.
    • The LPA will be accompanied by a UI, called LUI
      • This will be the application that the end users will interact with to manage their:
        • eSIM Profile
        • Communication Plans
        • Blockchain Services
  • The LPA will be responsible for all communication to the device and the OS
    • This will be the layer that brings our eSIM ecosystem to life.
  • Interaction to Android or OS services
    • The LPA will broadly be probing five OS services:
      • Euicc Service || Management of eSIM profiles through ISD-R (”Issuer Security Domain Root”, i. e, the security layer) ||| Kernel Level Implementation
        • The ISD-R serves as the root of trust for the eSIM, providing the highest level of security and control.
        • The ISD-R is responsible for managing and controlling access to other security domains within the secure element.
        • Also provides secure storage for cryptographic keys, certificates, and other sensitive data used by the secure element.
      • Connectivity Manager || Modem
        • Will deploy the algorithm that will intercept network traffic,
        • Entangle the network traffic with our ZK Identity to establish unique and encrypted connections between users as well as services
      • Telephony Manager || Dialer
        • Provides access to telephony-related information and services on devices.
      • Account Manager
        • This service will make use of the tokenized ZK identity to establish authentication which will be used to access all blockchain based features
      • Security APIs
        • This layer verifies that the transactions were initiated or executed by the owner of the smart contract or not.
        • Our modifications to the APIs will ensure that all the transactions, communication or any interaction otherwise involving our eSIM product is secure and encrypted.

3) Establishing secure connection to network

To establish a secure connection, the LPA sends a request to the eSIM provider to download the network profile onto the eSIM chip. The process involves several protocols such as Remote SIM Provisioning (RSP), Subscription Manager Data Preparation (SMDP), and GSMA Remote SIM Provisioning Architecture (RSP-A). Additionally, the solution connects to an Ethereum node for communication with the blockchain network.

a) Telecom Network

  • The device sends a request to the eSIM provider to register on a specific network.
    • The request is sent in form of device identifying network credentials.
    • The registration is done by authenticating these network credentials.
  • The eSIM provider then sends a request to the network to allow the device to register on the network.
    • The network operator performs a verification process to ensure that the device is authorized to access the network.
    • By checking the device's IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) number and other identifying information to make sure the device is not stolen or being used for illegal purposes.
  • Once the network has authorized the device, the eSIM provider sends the necessary network credentials to the device, which can then establish a connection to the network.
    • These credentials includes:
      • The network's access code,
      • Encryption keys,
      • And other information needed to establish a connection to the network.

And all these Management of the device's profile and network credentials is done by the LPA,

  • LPA sends a request to the eSIM provider to download the network profile onto the eSIM chip.
  • The eSIM provider then sends the network profile to the LPA, which securely stores the profile on the eSIM chip.

The protocols that are involved in this process are:

  • Remote SIM Provisioning (RSP): This is a standard that enables over-the-air management of eSIMs, allowing them to be programmed remotely by an authorized party, such as the eSIM provider.
  • Subscription Manager Data Preparation (SMDP): This is a server-side system used by the eSIM provider to manage the eSIM profiles and credentials. It communicates with the device's LPA to download and install network profiles.
  • Profile Manager: This is the software component that runs on the device's LPA and manages the eSIM profile and credentials. It communicates with the SMDP to download network profiles and activate them on the eSIM chip.
  • HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure): This is the protocol used for secure communication between the device, the eSIM provider, and the SMDP. It ensures that all data transmissions are encrypted and secure.
  • GSMA Remote SIM Provisioning Architecture (RSP-A): This is a technical architecture developed by the GSMA (GSM Association) that defines the standards and protocols for remote provisioning of eSIMs.

b) Blockchain Network

  • Connection to an Ethereum node to communicate with the Ethereum blockchain network.
    • Choose an Ethereum client implementation that fits in the tech stack.
    • Installing and configuration the Ethereum client
    • Choose a library or tool that supports JSON-RPC communication as the Ethereum network uses the JSON-RPC protocol to communicate with clients.
    • Connect to the Ethereum node by specifying the IP address or domain name of the node and the port number to use.
    • Authentication and authorization the connection before the establishment of communication with the Ethereum network.

Some of the notable UI and UX changes include

When using a blockchain-powered eSIM enabled mobile device, users can expect some changes in the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) compared to traditional eSIM and mobile devices. These changes are primarily focused on providing users with improved security, privacy, and access to decentralized services.

  1. Local User Interface (LUI): The LUI is a dedicated application that allows users to manage their eSIM profiles, communication plans, and blockchain services. This provides a centralized hub for users to interact with the various features offered by the blockchain-powered eSIM(Exisitng LUI features + Management of Wallet and Blockchain Network).

  2. Wallet Integration: Users will have access to ("an integrated digital wallet" or "management of existing digital wallet") within the LUI, allowing them to manage their digital assets, such as cryptocurrencies or tokens on different chains, and interact with decentralized applications (DApps) and services at device system level .

  3. Authentication and Authorization: The onboarding process for blockchain-powered eSIMs will involve a Zero-Knowledge (ZK) identity management which will probably follow the fetaures of Biomentric Identification, which enhances user privacy by disconnecting user identification from user activity. Users may need to go through additional authentication steps when accessing certain services or applications to ensure secure access.

  4. Access to Decentralized Services: The LUI will provide users with access to various decentralized services and applications, which may differ from the traditional app store experience as accessing decentralized services requires the users to sign a request with their digital wallet. This can include browsing decentralized app stores or directly interacting(by executing transaction or signing messages or querying on chain data) with DApps and services through the LUI. Interacting with Dapps will be much easier with device level authentication i.e, using biometric authentication while signing requests for connection to dapps or exectuion of transactions as users are already associated with a wallet in some way.

  5. Enhanced Security Indicators: The UI will likely include visual indicators and prompts that inform users about the security and privacy features provided by the blockchain-powered eSIM, such as secure connections, encryption status, and decentralized service access.

  6. Network Selection and Management: Users will be able to seamlessly switch between different: a. Telecom network, through the LUI , improving the global roaming experience without the need for physical SIM cards. b. Blockchain network, through LUI features, my personal imagination of interface for this functionality looks like this: Device UI

  7. Customization and Personalization: The LUI may offer customization options for users to personalize their experience, such as selecting preferred blockchain networks, setting up alerts or notifications related to digital assets, or configuring privacy settings.

  8. Simplified Cross-border Payments: Users will be able to initiate secure and efficient cross-border payments directly from their devices, with the UI providing an easy-to-use interface for managing and executing these transactions, Using Biometric authentication for transaction confirmations.

  9. Integrated Support and Education: The LUI may include built-in support and educational resources to help users understand the features, benefits, and functionality of the blockchain-powered eSIM and the decentralized services it enables.

The UI and UX changes in a blockchain-powered eSIM enabled mobile device are designed to provide users with a seamless and secure experience that leverages the benefits of decentralized networks and services. This will offer users greater control over their personal information and digital assets while enabling them to access a wide range of innovative applications and services.



  • Create a communication protocol that can uses the ZK identity and existing network infrastructure to connect two users.
  • How to make the Security Layer fool proof, the Security APIs?
  • How to serve a cryptographic wallet address that has the allowance of connectivity and execution of transactions on multiple blockchain?
  • How to ensure interoperability between different blockchain networks?
  • How to handle network congestion on the blockchain network?
  • How to maintain data consistency across the blockchain network?
  • How to ensure regulatory compliance while using a decentralized platform like blockchain?


  • Scalability and latency: Ensuring that the blockchain-powered eSIM solution can handle a large number of users and transactions without affecting the performance and latency of the network.

  • Integration with existing telecom infrastructure: Developing a seamless integration process for telecom operators to adopt the new blockchain-powered eSIM solution, without causing disruption to their existing services and infrastructure.

  • User privacy and data protection: Ensuring that user data is protected and private, even when transmitted through a decentralized network.

  • Device compatibility: Ensuring that the solution is compatible with a wide range of devices, including different operating systems and hardware configurations.

  • Security and fraud prevention: Implementing robust security measures to prevent unauthorized access, data breaches, and fraud.

  • Regulatory compliance and legal challenges: Navigating the complex legal landscape surrounding blockchain technology and eSIMs, and ensuring that the solution complies with relevant regulations in different jurisdictions.

  • User adoption and education: Encouraging users to adopt the new blockchain-powered eSIM solution and educating them about the benefits, features, and functionality.

  • Ecosystem development and collaboration: Fostering collaboration and partnerships with key stakeholders, including telecom operators, device manufacturers, and app developers, to create a robust and thriving ecosystem for the blockchain-powered eSIM solution.

  • Network resiliency and redundancy: Ensuring that the decentralized network can withstand node failures, cyberattacks, and other potential threats without causing service disruptions.

Key Benefits of Blockchain-Powered eSIM

  • Enhanced Security and Privacy: By leveraging ZK identities and decentralized networks, blockchain-powered eSIMs offer a more secure and private communication experience for users.

  • Interoperability: Blockchain technology enables seamless integration with various blockchain networks, allowing users to access multiple services across different platforms.

  • Trustless Environment: By disconnecting user identification from user activity, users can enjoy network services without having to trust a single telecom provider with their personal information.

  • Regulatory Compliance: Blockchain-powered eSIMs can be designed to ensure compliance with relevant regulations, while still offering the benefits of decentralization.

  • Scalability and Innovation: Integrating blockchain into the eSIM ecosystem paves the way for future innovations in communication technology, enabling the development of new services and applications.

Potential Use Cases of Blockchain-Powered eSIM

  • Secure Communication: Blockchain-powered eSIMs enable secure and private communication between individuals and businesses, ensuring that sensitive information remains confidential and protected from third-party interception or monitoring.

  • Decentralized IoT Devices: Blockchain technology can be used to power IoT devices, creating a decentralized network of interconnected devices that can communicate securely and efficiently. This has applications in industries such as smart cities, transportation, and supply chain management.

  • Global Roaming: Blockchain-powered eSIMs can simplify the process of global roaming by allowing users to switch between network providers seamlessly and securely without the need for physical SIM cards.

  • Fraud Prevention: The decentralized nature of blockchain technology makes it difficult for bad actors to manipulate or tamper with the system, reducing the risk of fraud and unauthorized access.

  • Identity Management: Blockchain-powered eSIMs can be used for secure digital identity management, enabling users to control and protect their personal information while accessing online services.

  • Digital Asset Management: Users can securely store, manage, and transfer digital assets such as cryptocurrencies or tokens using their blockchain-powered eSIM, enabling seamless integration with the digital economy.

  • Access to Decentralized Applications (DApps): Users can access various decentralized applications and services through their blockchain-powered eSIM, taking advantage of the growing decentralized ecosystem.

  • Cross-border Payments: Blockchain-powered eSIMs can facilitate secure and efficient cross-border payments, enabling users to make international transactions without incurring high fees or delays.

  • Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Communication: Blockchain technology can be used to power secure M2M communication, enabling devices to exchange data and execute smart contracts autonomously.

  • Disaster Recovery and Emergency Communication: In cases of natural disasters or emergencies, blockchain-powered eSIMs can provide a resilient and decentralized communication infrastructure that can withstand network failures and disruptions.

By integrating blockchain technology into the eSIM ecosystem, we can unlock a wide range of potential use cases that can revolutionize the way we communicate, transact, and interact with our devices. This will not only enhance the security and privacy of our communication networks but also drive innovation and enable new applications and services in various industries.