Eve.io Coding Challenge

npm install && npm start

Once the project is running:


  • Create a web application in your preferred framework/language.
  • The user should be able to type in a location.
  • Display a Google Map with 4 pins: One main pin for the users entered location, 3 pins for the nearest 3 cities to their chosen location.
  • Display a list with basic information about those 4 locations, including the following points: Name, Current temperature, Population and distance to the user-entered city.

Some datasets/APIs we would advise you to use:

Our goal is to see how you can sanitize data and use data received from one API interaction with a new API and display it collectively to the user, whilst having a structured/scalable implementation.

Application improvements

Given more time, there are several updates/changes that should be made to increase flexibility and extensibility:

  • Documentation: implement Storybook to visually validate individual components while providing implementation details
  • Testing: implement Jest & React Testing Library for unit and integration tests, TestCafe/Cypress for end-to-end testing of the entire application
  • Store:
    • Separate the UI from the API services (components use selectors to consume store data)
    • Establish an internal model for places (define a data structure that is combination of the pieces from each API)
    • Setup reducers and selectors to efficiently handle actions and maximize data reuse
    • Introduce redux-thunk or redux-sagas to make API calls
  • Global side effect handling: abstract loading and error handling out from individual pages/components