In this project, we build an exclusive clubhouse where members can write anonymous posts. Inside the clubhouse, members can see who the author of a post is but, outside, they can only see the story and wonder who wrote it.
- Ruby
- Ruby on Rails
- Bootsrap
To get the App up and running on your local environment, follow the steps below:
Clone the repository as indicated by Setup section below
- Text Editor
- Github
- Git
- Ruby
- Ruby on Rails Install all the above in your machine
Clone the repository from github to your local computer by following these steps:
- Go the main page of the members_only repository
- Above the listed files, click the Code drop down button (green) button
- You can clone the repository using either:
- HTTPS : or
- ssh: or
- Github CLI: gh repo clone ArreyTabe/Members-only
- Open your Terminal
- Make sure your current working directory is the directory where you want the cloned repo to reside
- Enter one of the git clone commands listed above
- Press Enter to create your local clone
- Open a new terminal tab and launch the rails server by typing Rails server and enter
- Go to your bowser and open http://localhost:3000/
- Feel free to sign up or sign in and start posting.
Happy Posting!!
- Install any text editor to view the code on your local machine.
- Install Git.
- Install ruby
- Install ruby on rails
👤 Arrey Tabe
- Github: ArreyTabe
- Twitter: @tabe_arrey
- LinkedIn: Arrey Affuembey
🤝 Contributing
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page
Give a ⭐ if you like this project!
This project is MIT licensed.