A Python library to conjugate verbs in French, English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Romanian (more soon) using Machine Learning techniques.
- advay168Cambridge, UK
- alexrozanskilondon
- andersanCasanare, Colombia
- apriljgranzowRedmond, WA
- Benedict-CarlingLondon
- bretttolbertFrance
- coddingtonbearAirship
- filips123Slovenia
- Giovan@Finden-Labs @findenapp @VetPetLabs
- hotzjacobb
- ivan-bilanPersonio
- iwaterChina
- jamalainmAustin, TX
- jbutcher5England
- JihongJu
- joshdavhamCanada
- Jssippi
- LaRuaNa
- legrumsx
- lucasmenendez@vocdoni
- matkosoricMunich, Germany
- matteoredaelliItaly
- mousetailEindhoven, Netherlands
- niall-twomeyUniversity of Bristol
- onedrawingperdayAthens
- P0oOOOo0YA
- Pebaz
- quantum9InnovationMIT ’28
- sai-prasannaFreiburg, Germany
- seasonedfishUnited States
- SekouDiaoNlpUniversité Bordeaux-Montaigne
- ShawonAshrafellamind GmbH
- shohei1227Waseda Univ
- tjbck@open-webui
- vccortez
- zhuberty