
CooL Assembler of Websites

Primary LanguagePython


An extensible, simple and powerful static website generation framework

Getting started

To create a sample project you can simply call claw init
Compiling a finished project is as simple as claw build

Clawfile basics

Think about a clawfile like a script, a simple script with a few commands.
The commands are defined in claw/interpreter/commands/, with a few special cases.
Commands are handled similar to the Unix shell (as in, shlex syntax)
As of now the following commands are available (bold means special):

  • {resource,output,source}_dir - Sets the (re)source/output directories
  • template (claw/interpreter/commands/cmd_template.py) - Calls the template processor and processes all files provided in the first argument with the template in the second one. The file argument is a glob relative to source_dir, and the template is relative to resource_dir. Example: template **/*.md page.tml will render all markdown files in the source directory using $resource_dir/page.tml. The output file can be overwritten by adding one more argument to the end, it being the target filename.
  • print (claw/interpreter/commands/cmd_print.py) - Equivalent to echo in the Unix shell
  • static (claw/interpreter/commands/cmd_static.py) - Copies all files in resource_dir matching the provided glob into output_dir/static/
  • glob (claw/interpreter/commands/cmd_glob.py) - Finds all files matching the glob (second argument) in the directory (first argument) and stores the resulting list in template variables under the name provided in the third argument. Example: glob source posts/*.md post_index. It is worth noting that the directory argument is either source or resource, to switch between the source and resource directory.
  • sass (claw/interpreter/commands/cmd_sass.py) - Compiles the given sass directory (file) into the target directory (file). The arguments are assumed to be directories unless found to be files.

Provided Jinja2 filters

Claw provides some additional Jinja2 filters (defined in claw/filters/).

Currently, by default, there are two filter categories: path and source parse filters.
Path filters are just mapping a few os.path methods into Jinja2 filters.
The source parse category provides three flters: render, header and markdown, which render markdown data, or read the header and the markdown parts of a source file, respectively.
Both of these filters take only a path argument.

Source files

The source files consist of three parts:

  • The header, which is a YAML file which provides variables to the used template,
  • The dash seperator, which is a three-dash seperator line between the header and the markdown, and
  • The markdown, which gets compiled and set to the body template variable. Example:
title: My homepage
# My Homepage
## A cool web page
Powered by ***claw***