
This is a small REST API service that pull top 100 latest posts(jokes) from the http://bash.org.pl/latest/

Primary LanguageHCL

Top Jokes REST API

This is a small test project where I created a simple a Python microservise that pulls 100 latest jokes/posts from bash.org.pl. Then forms them into a JSON file and serves them to the outside. The service is running in a docker container and can be build, deployed and turned off usign Jenkins.

Steps performed:

  • Created a microservice serving REST API with GET calls returning 100jokes starting from the newest from bash.org.pl in JSON format;

    • I used Python with Flask micro web framework
  • Service could be created and launched in Docker container.

  • Created Terraform code for provisioning custom VPC + EC2 and properSecurity Groups to allow access to the services from the Internet using specific ports (for example to execute curl to get the response or reach Jenkins)

  • Created Ansible playbook to install required libraries, os updates and tools on the EC2 instance and Jenkins before the microservice deployment.

  • Deployed the microservice on AWS EC2 using CI/CD (Jenkins).

Access Details:


I can provide the credebtial via email

You can reach it via port 8080 at: ec2-13-59-17-138.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com

Or if you prefer:


Port: 2077


Domain: ec2-13-59-17-138.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com

Combined URL to use: