
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Pengu Bot

⚠ Warning

Do not leak your discord token to any party whom you do not want having full access to your account/bot account.

What is this?

This project is a Discord bot written in Node JS used to make my life easier.

⛓ Installation

  1. Create a Discord account and get the token
  2. Clone the repository and navigate in the folder
  3. Install all the modules with npm i
  4. Configure the bot with your personnal creditentials in the .env file
  • Values to provide:
    • Token
      • The bot account token
    • Client ID
      • The bot account client id
    • Guild ID
      • The id of the guild the bot will be used in
    • Auto Role ID
      • The id of the role that every new server member will be given upon join
    • Role Name
      • The name of the role that will be used to send newsletters to server members
    • News Letter File *
      • The file name and extension of the newsletter file which is to be placed in the main directory of the bot
    • Calendar File *
      • The file name and extension of the calendar file which is to be placed in the main directory of the bot
    • Admin Email
      • The contact email of the admin whom the users of the bot should contact if need be

👌 Usage

  1. Open two terminals in the main directory of the bot
  2. In the first terminal paste node .\bot.js
  3. In the second directory paste node .\deploy-commands.js

Subsequently you can upload the bot files to a web hosting service to host the bot online.

  • Commands:
    • /help


  1. Google Calendar integration*
  2. Notes web hook integration*