Automated Carwash System

Using Tinkercad Simulator For Arduino Circuits

Part of Indo-Spanish Project by NSIT(India) and URJC(Spain)

Link to the paper:


The project aims at building an automated car-wash system for the user. Based on the user’s choice, one of the three types of car wash is selected and the car is washed accordingly as it is slowly steered towards the exit.

The three car wash options are as follows:

  • Water only
  • Water + Soap
  • Water + Soap + Wax

It’s up to the user to either steer manually or to use the automated system.

The system comprises of four different booths/stations for different purposes:

  • Water Booth: Cleans the car using water only
  • Soap Booth: Cleans the car using soap
  • Soap+Wax Booth: Cleans the car using soap. Wax is used to add a final shine to the car.
  • Drying Booth: To dry the car using air jets.

The car wash system uses a main switch which can be turned OFF at any time (even in the middle of a wash, if there’s an emergency).

The project uses LEDs to demonstrate the workflow of the system.

Components Used

  • Arduino Uno                          : 1
  • RGB LEDs                               : 2
  • Red LED                                  : 1
  • Resistors                                 : 7
  • Sliding Switch                         : 1
  • Ultrasonic Proximity Sensors  : 4
  • Potentiometer                        : 1
  • Connecting Wires                  : As per the circuit requirements

The Circuit

Link to Demonstration Video

Circuit Image Circuit Image


The project uses a sliding switch as the ON/OFF switch for the main power supply. Turning OFF the switch will disable the entire system immediately. The system continuously polls in a loop to keep track of the status of the sliding button. As soon as it finds out that the sliding button is in the OFF state, it disables the system. Turning ON the sliding switch starts the system from its initial state.

Suitable delays have been provided in the system to enable the user to enter his/her choice of car-wash, to steer the car towards the desired booth and to steer the car away from the booth. Ultrasonic proximity sensors have been used to detect the presence of a car at a particular booth. As soon as the car reaches in the two meter proximity of the sensor, the booth starts with its functionality. This has been demonstrated by the use of LEDs.

When the car exits, the car wash system begins a new cycle of washing for the cars standing in the queue. The system can be turned OFF using the sliding switch in case no other cars are present in the queue.

Further Stages Of Development

  • A temperature sensor can be incorporated to detect overheating of any component of the system.

  • A push button that can be pressed by the user in case of emergency, sending off an alarm. This can be accomplished using a Piezo buzzer.

  • The buzzer will send out an alarm until the sliding switch is not turned OFF.

  • Instead of polling to check the status of the sliding switch or emergency status, another thread can be used which will run in the background and come into action as soon as it detects a change of state in either of the two.

Team Experience

The project provided the team with a chance to work in collaboration with students from a different country. There was a sense of being separated by boundaries but being connected by common interests including the keenness to learn and explore diverse technologies. It was the first time our team worked with Arduino. The experience was fun, but challenging at times. Overcoming the obstacles together is what made the project even more enjoyable.