This project is about deploying the trained machine learning pipeline using FastAPI and Docker. The ml pipeline which will be deployed is taken from my repository Credit-Risk-Analysis-for-european-peer-to-peer-lending-firm-Bandora.
The ml pipeline includes a RandomForestClassifier for classifying the loan borrowers as defaulted / not-defaulted.
The API code must be in '' file within a directory 'app' according to FastAPI guidelines.
Import the required packages
# Imports for server
import pickle
import pandas as pd
from fastapi import FastAPI
from pydantic import BaseModel
# App name
app = FastAPI(title="Loan Default Classifier for lending firm Bandora")
To represent a sample of loan details along with the data type of each atttribute, a class needs to be defined using the BaseModel
from the pydantic library.
# defining base class for Loan to represent a data point for predictions
class Loan(BaseModel):
LanguageCode : object
HomeOwnershipType : object
Restructured : object
IncomeTotal : float
LiabilitiesTotal : float
LoanDuration : float
AppliedAmount : float
Amount : float
Interest : float
EMI : float
PreviousRepaymentsBeforeLoan : float
MonthlyPaymentDay : float
PrincipalPaymentsMade : float
InterestAndPenaltyPaymentsMade : float
PrincipalBalance : float
InterestAndPenaltyBalance : float
Bids : float
Rating : object
The trained machine learning pipeline needs to be loaded into memory, so it can be used for predictions in future.
One way is to load the machine learning pipeline during the startup of our Server
. To do this, the function needs to be decorated with @app.on_event("startup")
. This decorator ensures that the function loading the ml pipeline is triggered right when the Server starts.
The ml pipeline is stored in `app/ML_artifact' directory.
def load_ml_pipeline():
# loading the machine learning pipeline from pickle .sav format
global RFC_pipeline
RFC_pipeline = pickle.load(open('app/ML_artifact/RFC_pipeline.sav', 'rb'))
Finally, an endpoint on our server handles the prediction requests and return the value predicted by our deployed ml pipeline.
The endpoint is server/predict with a POST operation.
Finally, a JSON response is returned containing the prediction
# Defining the function for handling the prediction requests, it will be run by ```/predict``` endpoint of server
# and expects an instance inference request of Loan class to make prediction"/predict")
def predict(inference_request : Loan):
# creating a pandas dataframe to be fed to RandomForestClassifier pipeline for prediction
input_dictionary = {
"LanguageCode" : inference_request.LanguageCode,
"HomeOwnershipType": inference_request.HomeOwnershipType,
"Restructured" : inference_request.Restructured,
"IncomeTotal" : inference_request.IncomeTotal,
"LiabilitiesTotal" : inference_request.LiabilitiesTotal,
"LoanDuration" : inference_request.LoanDuration,
"AppliedAmount" : inference_request.AppliedAmount,
"Amount": inference_request.Amount,
"EMI": inference_request.EMI,
"PreviousRepaymentsBeforeLoan" : inference_request.PreviousRepaymentsBeforeLoan,
"MonthlyPaymentDay" :inference_request.MonthlyPaymentDay,
"PrincipalPaymentsMade" : inference_request.PrincipalPaymentsMade,
"InterestAndPenaltyPaymentsMade" : inference_request.InterestAndPenaltyPaymentsMade,
"PrincipalBalance" : inference_request.PrincipalBalance,
"InterestAndPenaltyBalance" : inference_request.InterestAndPenaltyBalance,
"Bids" : inference_request.Bids,
"Rating" : inference_request.Rating
inference_request_Data = pd.DataFrame(input_dictionary,index=[0])
prediction = RFC_pipeline.predict(inference_request_Data)
# Returning prediction
if prediction == 0:
return {"Prediction": "Not Defaulted"}
return {"Prediction": "Defaulted"}
As our API has been built, the Uvicorn Server can be use the API to serve the prediction requests. But for now, this server will be dockerized. And final predictions will be served by the Docker container.
The Docker container will be run on localhost.
└── Base dir
├── app/
│ ├── (server code)
│ └── ML_artifact (dir containing the RFC_pipeline.sav)
├── requirements.txt (Python dependencies)
├── loan-examples/ (loan examples to test the server)
├── (this file)
└── Dockerfile
Now in the base directory, a file is created Dockerfile``. The
Dockerfile``` contain all the instructions required to build the docker image.
FROM frolvlad/alpine-miniconda3:python3.7
COPY requirements.txt .
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
COPY ./app /app
CMD ["uvicorn", "app.main:app", "--host", "", "--port", "80"]
instruction allows to use a pre-existing image as base of our new docker image, instead of writing our docker image from the scratch. This allows the software in pre-existing image to be available in our new docker image.
In this case frolvlad/alpine-miniconda3:python3.7
is used as base image.
- it contains python 3.7
- also contains an alpine version of linux, which is a distribution created to be very small in size.
Other existing images, can be used as base image of our new docker image, but size of those is a lot heavier. So using the one mentioned, as it a great image for required task.
Now our docker image has environment with python installed, so the dependencies required for serving the inference requests need to be installed in our docker image.
The dependencies are written in requirements.txt file in our base dir. This file needs to be copied in our docker image COPY requirements.txt .
and then the dependencies are installed by RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
Our server will listen to inference requests on port 80.
Our app should be inside the docker image.
COPY ./app /app
Dockers are efficient at carrying out single task. When a docker container is run, the CMD
commands get executed only once. This is the command which will start our server by specifying the host
and post
, when a docker container created from our docker image is started.
CMD ["uvicorn", "app.main:app", "--host", "", "--port", "80"]
Now in base dir, the Dockerfile is present. The Docker image is built using the docker build
docker build -t ml_pipeline:RFC
The -t
flags is used for specifying the name:tag of docker image.
Now that the docker image is created. To run a docker container out of it:
docker run -p 80:80 ml_pipeline:RFC
The -p 80:80
flag performs port mapping operations. The container and as well as local machine, has own set of ports. As our container is exposed on port 80, so it needs to be mapped to a port on local machine which is also 80.
Now that our server is listening on port 80, a POST
request can be made for predicting the class of loan.
The requests should contain the data in JSON
"LanguageCode": "estonian" ,
"AppliedAmount": 191.7349 ,
"Amount": 140.6057 ,
"Interest" : 25 ,
"LoanDuration" : 1,
"HomeOwnershipType": "owner",
"IncomeTotal" : 1300.0,
"LiabilitiesTotal" : 0,
"Rating" : "f",
"Restructured" : "no",
"PrincipalPaymentsMade" : 140.6057,
"InterestAndPenaltyPaymentsMade" : 2.0227,
"PrincipalBalance" : 0,
"InterestAndPenaltyBalance" : 0,
"PreviousRepaymentsBeforeLoan" :258.6256,
"Bids" : 140.6057
FastAPI has a built-in client to interact with the deployed server.
command can be used to send the inference request to deployed server.
curl -X POST http://localhost:80/predict \
-d @./loan-examples/1.json \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
Three flags are used with curl
: to specify the type of request like POST
: data to be sent with request
: header to specify the type of data sent with request
The directory loan-examples
has 2 json files containing the loan samples for prediction, for testing the deployed dockerized server.