
This scripts aligns LiDAR metrics exported from DASOS in .asc format with any GeoTIFF image.

This tutorial explains how to fuse Sentinel-2 images with LiDAR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWSYCxvKYOI&ab_channel=MiltoMiltiadou

Link to open source software DASOS: https://github.com/Art-n-MathS/DASOS

This blog post gives an overview of the functionalities of DASOS: https://miltomiltiadou.blogspot.com/2015/03/las13vis.html

For any scientific publication referring or using the software please cite the associated paper: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/334069759_Open_source_software_DASOS_efficient_accumulation_analysis_and_visualisation_of_full-waveform_lidar

Follow updates on Twitter at: @DASOS , @DrMiltiadou