
Make use of these classes to validate a weak, medium or strong password. Do not allow the user to choose as a password a word that is contained in the English dictionary, Spanish and others dictionaries.

Primary LanguageSwift

Validate passwords

Make use of these classes to validate a weak, medium or strong password. Do not allow the user to choose as a password a word that is contained in the English dictionary, Spanish and others dictionaries.


Add ValidatePasswords.swift class in your project.

/// Options for password validate
/// - notPresentInDictionary: word present in dictionary not authorized
/// - checkStrengthPassword: strong, soft or weak password
public enum Option {

    case notPresentInDictionary
    case checkStrengthPassword

/// Enum for password status level type
/// - strong: strong password: minimum characters, four rules
/// - soft: soft password: minimum characters, three rules
/// - weak: weak password: minimum characters
/// - notPresentInDictionary: dictionary (English, German, Spanish, Italian) not contain password
/// - presentInDictionary: dictionary (English, German, Spanish, Italian) contain password
/// - errorPassword: password error
public enum PasswordType {

    case strong
    case soft
    case weak
    case notPresentInDictionary
    case presentInDictionary
    case errorPassword

Use this function with enum options:

Level strength:

ValidatePasswords.passwordIsValidate(password: "chicken",
                                             option: .checkStrengthPassword,
                                             minimumCharacters: 5) { (passwordType) in
                                                debugPrint("PASSWORD TYPE: \(passwordType)")

Present or not in dictionary:

ValidatePasswords.passwordIsValidate(password: "chickenandcow",
                                             option: .notPresentInDictionary,
                                             minimumCharacters: 5) { (passwordType) in
                                                debugPrint("Password ok: PASSWORD TYPE: \(passwordType)")


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I hope you like it!

ArtCC 2019++