
Artfx tractor nimby app

Primary LanguageHTML

Nimby in Tractor

"NIMBY" : "Not In My Back Yard"

The Nimby App controls if Tractor renders on blades that can be used to work during the day.


Nimby field

The "NIMBY" field is set on a Tractor blade.

It has 3 states:

1 - will only accept local jobs spooled from that blade's host (local jobs).
0 - will accept jobs from anyone (external jobs).
username - will only accept jobs from the named user.

Nimby App

The user chooses between 2 states:

  • Manual - Nimby ON : the Nimby field is set to 1, blocking external jobs.
  • Auto : - Nimby OFF : The Nimby field is set to 0, allowing external jobs.

When the mode is "Auto", the app checks automatically if a significant software is started (as defined in config.json). If such a software is launched, the Nimby field is set to 1 (blocking).

Dev Doc

It's use electron (tray icon) and react (main page).

It uses the Tractor URL Api (and currently the Tactor Controller). See tractor.

This app has dev, build and deploy scripts.

Important files

  • config.json in the public folder is the main config with the list of softwares to check if running.
  • electron.js is the implementation of the tray via electron and call react index.html
  • src folder is react page when you click on the tray icon


For start dev, you need node (npm) command install Use npm install for install all dependencies.


For launch the app in dev mode just launch npm run dev. If you whant only edit the main page with react use npm run start. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.


You can build the app with npm run build. This build electron and react code.


When you have working code lauch npm run deploy to send build .exe to github release. You will need to set a github token with repo right. When you have it, use GH_TOKEN environment variable to avoid tocken publish.


Explain some wird config value:

ramUsageLimits: The ram need in minimum for the max ram in key like "12": 9 say if you have max ram < 12Go, and you dont have 9Go remaining, pass nimby ON