Silex rez is the repository containing all packages of the pipeline
Because silex-rez, contains silex packages we used git submodules to keep theses packages in their git environment
┣ 📂aiogazu
┃ ┗ 📂1.0.0 => git submodule to aiogazu on branch main
┣ 📂silex_client
┃ ┣ 📂beta.0.1.0 => git submodule to silex_client on branch beta
┃ ┗ 📂prod.0.1.0 => git submodule to silex_client on branch prod
┣ 📂silex_houdini
┃ ┣ 📂beta.0.1.0 => git submodule to silex_houdini on branch beta
┃ ┗ 📂prod.0.1.0 => git submodule to silex_houdini on branch prod
┣ 📂silex_maya
┃ ┣ 📂beta.0.1.0 => git submodule to silex_maya on branch beta
┃ ┗ 📂prod.0.1.0 => git submodule to silex_maya on branch prod
┣ 📂silex_nuke
┃ ┣ 📂beta.0.1.0 => git submodule to silex_nuke on branch beta
┃ ┗ 📂prod.0.1.0 => git submodule to silex_nuke on branch prod
┗ 📜.rez
┣ 📂tractor
┃ ┗ 📂0.1.0 => git submodule to tractor_lib on branch main
┗ 📜.rez
git pull
git submodule update --remote
This repository use .rez to step down recursively in folders tree. Algorithm to find '.rez' files are defined in this