
Sample project for the "SPA composition" pattern of ch. 10.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Chapter 10


The following software is required to run the sample:

  • Git
  • Node.js
  • NPM
  • Bash


Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/ArtOfMicrofrontends/10-spa-composition.git

Go to the repository's directory and start the application, which also installs all required package dependencies:



Follow these steps to implement the same from scratch.

  1. Start with the app shell, initialize a new Node.js project and install the dependencies
npm init -y
npm install bootstrap bootstrap-icons regenerator-runtime --save
npm install parcel-bundler --save-dev
  1. Create an index.html file with the skeleton design of the application with a placeholder for the content (e.g., #app-content)

  2. Add the script (app.js) and stylesheet (style.css) reference

  3. In the script load all configured MF scripts coming from the scripts.json:


with the loading logic being as simple as

import("./scripts.json").then((scripts) =>
  scripts.forEach((url) => {
    const script = document.createElement("script");
    script.src = url;
  1. Hook on to the hashchange and popstate listeners to introduce routing

  2. Introduce lifecycle functions for bootrap, mount, and unmount of components - hooked up in the renderComponent function:

window.renderComponent = (name, componentName, target, props = {}) => {
  const id = makeId(name, componentName);
  const info = registry[id];

  if (info !== undefined) {
    const user = {
      data: undefined,
      state: "init",
    info.wait = bootstrapComponent(info, user);
    info.wait = mountComponent(info, user);
  1. Create the MFs, e.g., for the tax MF you'll need to initialize and set up the project
npm init -y
npm install file-loader svelte svelte-loader webpack webpack-cli --save-dev

where you'll need to add a proper Webpack configuration for the framework of your choice

  1. The index.js of each MF will have boilerplate code to register the lifecycle of the exposed components; for instance:
window.registerComponent("<namespace-name>", "<component-name>", {
  bootstrap: () => {
    // load component
  mount: (target, props) => {
    // mount component
  unmount: (target, info) => {
    // unmount component