
Sample project for a feed service of the "Siteless UIs" pattern of ch. 11.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Chapter 11


The following software is required to run the sample:

  • Git
  • Node.js
  • NPM


Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/ArtOfMicrofrontends/11-service-feed.git

Go to the repository's directory and run NPM install:

npm install

Now start the application:

npm start


Follow these steps to implement the same from scratch.

  1. Initialize a new Node.js project and install the dependencies
npm init -y
npm install connect-busboy cors express mime-types pm2 tar --save
  1. Start a new Express app and wire up the required middlewares
    origin: "*",
    allowedHeaders: ["Content-Type", "Authorization"],
    credentials: true,
    optionsSuccessStatus: 200,
app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
  1. Add at least 3 endpoints, one for getting modules, one for publishing modules, and one for getting the files of a published module:
app.get("/modules", getLatestModules());
app.post("/modules", publishModule(host));
app.get("/files(/@:org)?/:name/:version/:file?", getFiles());
  1. For simplicity in the sample the service works only against in memory data, i.e.,
const modulesData = {};

exports.getModules = () => {
  const allModules = [];

  Object.keys(modulesData).forEach((name) =>
    Object.keys(modulesData[name]).forEach((version) => {

  return allModules;

exports.getModuleData = (name, version) => {
  const versions = modulesData[name] || {};
  return versions[version];

exports.setModuleData = (moduleData) => {
  const meta = moduleData.meta;
  const current = modulesData[meta.name] || {};
  modulesData[meta.name] = {
    [meta.version]: moduleData,
  1. When a module is published as a zipped tarball the file needs to be extracted and examined - the following pipeline helps
exports.getModuleContent = (stream, rootUrl) =>
  untar(stream).then((files) => {
    const data = getPackageJson(files);
    const path = getMainPath(data, files);
    const root = dirname(path);
    const fileName = basename(path);
    const meta = extractMetadata(data, fileName, rootUrl);
    return {
  1. Especially finding the main path may be difficult, you can use an array sorted by preference:
function getMainPath(data, files) {
  const paths = [
  return paths
    .map((filePath) => `${packageRoot}${filePath}`)
    .filter((filePath) => !!files[filePath])[0];
  1. Start the server with node leading to the entry point such as node src/index.js