
An Alluring, Dark, and Muted Syntax Theme For iTerm2.

MIT LicenseMIT

Cognac 🥃 for iTerm2

An Alluring, Dark, and Muted Theme For iTerm 2.


Cognac is a theme composed of 11 colors that are easy on the eyes on both normal and light-reduced screens. All of the chosen colors are adjacent or complimentary to each other on the color wheel, excluding the black and gray colors.

Cognac is available for many other editors at http://github.com/ArtSabintsev/Cognac.



The screenshot above makes use of:


Color Palette Hex Usage
#222222 Black #222222 Background
#555555 Dark-Gray #555555 Text Selection
#999999 Gray #999999 Comments & Documentation
#DFDFDF Light-Gray #DFDFDF Literals (Strings, Numbers) & Documentation Keywords
#FF80C6 Pink #FF80C6 Keywords
#C18AFF Purple #C18AFF Classes & Types
#87D5FF Blue #87D5FF Functions & Methods
#8AEC8A Green #8AEC8A Variables
#FFF680 Yellow #FFF680 Macros & Attributes
#FFC580 Orange #FFC580 Plain Text
#FF9595 Red #FF9595 Constants

Specific Rules

  • Cognac replaces Cyan with Pink.

Installation Instructions

  • Download Cognac.itermcolors
  • Double click to install Cognac into the Terminal.
  • Go to Preferences > Profiles > Colors
  • On the dropdown meny, select Cognac.
