
Simple console-based sudoku game

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Tinkoff ML course 2021, entry programming task #2

This is simple console-based sudoku game 9x9. Run python ./task_prog2/sudoku.py to play game.


First, type NEW to start new game and generate random field, or LOAD to load saved game.

If you typed NEW, then type number of cells to be filled by generator, or type empty string to cancel.

If you typed LOAD, then type path to file with saved game, or type empty string to cancel.

Then you can play using commands. Type HELP to get list of commands.


Type NEW to start new game or LOAD to load game from pickle file
Type filled cell count or empty string to cancel: 32
 | | | |8|4|9| | 
 | | | |7| |4| | 
3|8| |5| | | | |1
5|9| |6|3| | | | 
 | | | |9|1| | |8
7|6| | | |8|1|2| 
8|2|6| | | | | |3
 | | |9|6| |5|3| 
 | |8| |2|9| | | 
SET i j v -- set cell at i, j to value v and print game
        i -- row id,    in range from 0 to 9
        j -- column id, in range from 0 to 9
        v -- new value, in range from 0 to 9
SAVE f    -- save game state to pickle file
        f -- file path, .pkl extension is recommended
PRINT     -- print game
HELP      -- print this help text
EXIT      -- give up and exit
> SET 8 8 9
You can not set cell at 8, 8 to 9
> SET 8 8 4
 | | | |8|4|9| | 
 | | | |7| |4| | 
3|8| |5| | | | |1
5|9| |6|3| | | | 
 | | | |9|1| | |8
7|6| | | |8|1|2| 
8|2|6| | | | | |3
 | | |9|6| |5|3| 
 | |8| |2|9| | |4
 | | | |8|4|9| | 
 | | | |7| |4| | 
3|8| |5| | | | |1
5|9| |6|3| | | | 
 | | | |9|1| | |8
7|6| | | |8|1|2| 
8|2|6| | | | | |3
 | | |9|6| |5|3| 
 | |8| |2|9| | |4
You lose!


  • Only caring of columns and rows, ignoring blocks 3x3.
  • Field generator does not guarantee that generated field would be solvable.
  • Game is saved using pickle module, therefore it is not safe to load save files from other people you do not trust.