- 0
- 8
- 0
Video loader choose gif problem
#91 opened by fiendwbc - 1
Expected all tensors to be on the same device, but found at least two devices, cpu and cuda:0!
#82 opened by AngryOldWang - 2
执行 KSampler 时发生错误:0 文件“G:\ComfyUI\ComfyUI-aki\ComfyUI-aki-v1.3\”,第 152 行,
#90 opened by sundaxiong6 - 4
Error occurred when executing ADE_UseEvolvedSampling: 'ModelPatcher' object has no attribute 'model_keys'
#89 opened by snoopy233pp - 4
can I use motion Lora for image to video?
#81 opened by potatoker - 1
Error occurred when executing KSampler (Efficient): mixed dtype (CPU): expect parameter to have scalar type of Float
#83 opened by okwykdd - 0
[HELP with] I have the problem with the following Custom Nodes, which when I want to install manually, I get an error
#86 opened by metahades18892 - 2
#60 opened by Persite007 - 0
- 2
Install failed
#51 opened by DuckZh - 3
Model stuck loading
#69 opened by azumbrunnen - 3
Can't open your .json files
#55 opened by daizhuo - 8
- 1
list index out of range &
#77 opened by aminbarzegari - 3
[import failed]conflict with other node
#78 opened by weykon - 2
- 1
Already updated, but still have this error
#73 opened by chenwei20 - 2
- 0
Can't contranet and prompt travel be used together? If I use openpose, prompt travel won't work anymore
#70 opened by liuslLSL - 1
index 10 is out of range
#68 opened by Pokecreatorfr - 3
When frame_number ==16 it works, but when I change it into any other number it will not work
#66 opened by NBSTpeterhill - 0
[Feature Request] File Path String
#67 opened by michaelLochlann - 3
- 3
BaseModel has no attribute `betas`
#62 opened by easeclick - 6
Error occurred when executing AnimateDiffSampler: BaseModel has no attribute `betas`
#61 opened by wangminrui2022 - 1
hope support lcm
#63 opened by mliand - 10
Can't free GPU memeory after first gen
#53 opened by wtyisjoe - 1
AnimateDiff doesnt connect
#56 opened by ShvetsAaa - 6
TypeError: string indices must be integers
#59 opened by GamerYuan - 2
- 6
- 2
- 2
[Known Issue] CUDA error: invalid configuration argument when xformers is enabled
#31 opened by ycc1519202717 - 3
Python Line
#39 opened by Edwin-Giovanni - 10
TypeError: VanillaTemporalModule.forward() missing 1 required positional argument: 'encoder_hidden_states'
#42 opened by huweifirst - 0
- 2
The node is missing and cannot be loaded properly when I install AnimateDiff Evolved(the another t2video)
#48 opened by downpink - 4
- 1
(IMPORT FAILED): E:\Stable_Diffusion\ComfyUI\ComfyUI\custom_nodes\comfyui-animatediff
#49 opened by Sostay - 2
- 1
cat() received an invalid combination of arguments - got (Tensor, int), but expected one of:
#44 opened by dapperdappy - 1
Error occurred when executing AnimateDiffSampler: VanillaTemporalModule.forward() missing 1 required positional argument: 'encoder_hidden_states'
#43 opened by huweifirst - 1
Module/File location edits/modifications?
#41 opened by Duemellon - 0
- 1
import cv fails
#35 opened by h0bb3 - 3
[Request] Support for MotionLoRAs
#36 opened by syddharth - 3
indexError:list index out of range
#34 opened by Bearoar - 1
Output just the frames?
#33 opened by Trimad