
A Polymer element that reads a JSON API endpoint.

Primary LanguageHTML


An element that reads a JSON API endpoint.


This package has not yet been published to bower. Please install from Github directly.

bower install https://github.com/Artanis/jsonapi-resource.git#0.1.0


This component makes a request to a JSON API endpoint. The data returned by the endpoint is deserialized with simple-jsonapi, and the primary data (an array for collections, a single object for single resources) is exposed through the documents parameter.


<template is="dom-repeat" items="{{docs}}">
  • url and origin are a pair. An absolute URL can be given, which will be used to populate origin, or url can be a relative path and origin is required (this will cause url to be rewritten to be absolute). Requests will only be made to an absolute URL.
  • params is passed wholesale to <iron-ajax>.
  • documents is the deserialized primary data from the response. Included documents are available on their respective relationship attributes.
  • links and meta are both the raw response-level links and meta objects.