
Logging library for Fitbit that enables you to gather logs from users in production

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Need to get logs from the device without being attached to a debugger? Either because testing on debugger isn't simulating the exact environment of your users, or because you need to get logs from your users directly?

Enter fitbit-logger.

Fitbit-logger is a replacement for console.log that also persists all the logs to filesystem and sends them to companion. There it can either just log them, so you can see them through Fitbit Android app, or it can post them to an URL of your choice, effectively giving you a way to gather logs from users of your app.


npm i fitbit-logger


Create an index.js file in the companion folder if you don't already have one. Add the following code in this file :

import fitlogger from 'fitbit-logger/companion'

options = {
  doConsoleLog: true,
  url: "https://example.com"


Add the following code in your app/index.js file

import fitlogger from 'fitbit-logger/app'

options = {
  doConsoleLog: true,
  automaticInterval: 5000,
  prefix: 'App'

fitlogger.log("The monkey ate my pajamas")

This particular configuration will result in: being:

  • "The monkey ate my pajamas" logged to console on the app
  • "The monkey ate my pajamas" prefixed with "App" and timestamped and appended to a file on device
  • every 5000 milliseconds, the file will be checked. If it's not empty, it will be queued for transfer to the companion, and cleared
  • on companion, "The monkey ate my pajamas" will be logged to console once the file arrives
  • on companion, a get request will be made to https://example.com?data=App%20123456789%20The%20monkey%20ate%20my%20pajamas




Initializes fitbit-logger. Needs to be called first if you want to use the logger.

options object

Options for logger's behavior on the companion.

options.doConsoleLog boolean

False by default. If true, each log from the device will also be logged in companion using console.log, in the following format: App [timestamp] [message]

options.url string

Optional. If any url is set, the companion will post every log to the given url via fetch, whereas the logged message will be encoded as a URL query string.

Example: https://example.com?data=nice%20log



Initializes fitbit-logger. Needs to be called first if you want to use the logger.

options object

Options for logger's behavior on the device.

options.doConsoleLog boolean

False by default. If true, each log sent via fitlogger.send() will also be logged using console.log() on the device.

options.automaticInterval number

Optional If set to any number larger than 0, sending logs to companion via file-transfer will happen automatically, with an interval of your choice (in ms).

If unset, call fitlogger.sendLogFileToCompanion() to send the logfile manually at your convenience.

options.prefix string

Defaults to 'App' String that will be used as a prefix before each log line


Trigger sending logfile from device to companion


Logs a timestamped message. The message is appended to a file and at some moment sent to companion via file-transfer.

message any

The message to be logged. This can be any data type.


I'm not a javascript expert so every comment/code refactoring/best practice and especially BUG REPORTING is appreciated. Don't hesitate to make a PR and/or tell me what's wrong.